Automotive Market Research – Divergent Insights

Automotive Market Research

Automobiles industry has evolved from petroleum to Electric Vehicle and rapidly increasing foothold globally. Global Automotive industry is very much competitive, user centric, price sensitive and nowadays for environment benefit. Automotive Industry is focusing more on bringing revolutionary change through Innovation, understanding consumers, new strategies, and new designs and positioning.

Future of Mobility.

Automotive Industry is poised to move at much faster pace in next couple of years and to set a new high every year till year 2025. It is expected to see new innovations, automation, electrifications at much faster pace. It is absolutely challenging to keep changing as per the faster changing demands for new features. Divergent Insights market research team also helps in analysis best strategy predict the expected market as against current quarter numbers.

Concept Testing

Divergent Insights through Auto Clinic solution works with automotive clients to conceptualize and strategize newer features and models of automobiles using the workshops and innovation research. Auto Clinics experts help in exploring and framing in-depth analysis for cars expected market, product design, product features, branding, sales, etc.

Divergent Insights through Automotive Market Research Services can help delivering user research reports, new designs, advanced analytics, in-depth analysis of features and market, Insights and recommendations, OEMs reports, Systems and Components analysis, dealers and suppliers analysis.

Conceptualizing new automotive features, systems and designs
Innovation Workshops for Mobility and Technological advancements
Consumer participation in analyzing new ideas
Stakeholder participation on improvising the overall product
car market intelligence company

Divergent Insights with help of Automotive Qualitative Research Solution relentlessly provides focused online survey and research reports to not only assist automotive manufacturer in the design of new vehicles, but also to optimize the launch of new vehicles, and marketing strategy. These services include:

  • Auto clinics (focus groups and depth interviews)
  • New concept exploration (online and traditional depth interviews)
  • Optimizing the buying experience (ethnography and depth interviews)
  • Improving interactions between dealers/salespeople and customers (ethnography and depth interviews)
  • Exploring advertising concepts (online forums and in-person depth interviews)
  • Branding, Positioning, Brand Equity, and Advertising Testing and tracking
  • Market Evaluation and Segmentation, Customer Segmentation, Customer Satisfaction
  • Quality Control, Predictive Analysis, Product Launches (Pre-Post) Research

Divergent Insights carefully design online survey and conduct market research for automotive industry. Quantitative Research services are provided to resolve various marketing and business issues in order to achieve business goals. Our automotive research services comprises of the following:

Divergent Insights through Auto Clinic solution works with automotive clients to conceptualize and strategize newer features and models of automobiles using the workshops and innovation research. Auto Clinics experts help in exploring and framing in-depth analysis for cars expected market, product design, product features, branding, sales, etc.

Divergent Insights online survey portal Dive-In Panel helps brands to conduct their survey among the consumers in USA, Canada, Europe, EMEA, GCC, and India and 50 other countries. Online panel includes consumer vehicles information like brand, model, make, version, year, etc. Divergent Insights also use other methods for research like phone, email, personal interviews, recruiting, etc.



Divergent Insights- Clients- BMW
Divergent Insights- Clients- Land Rover
Divergent Insights- Clients- Chevrolet
Divergent Insights- Clients- Mahindra
Divergent Insights- Clients- Toyota
Divergent Insights- Clients- Volvo
Divergent Insights- Clients- Hyundai
Divergent Insights- Clients- Yamaha
Divergent Insights- Client- Kia
Divergent Insights- Client- SsangYong
Divergent Insights- Client- Ford
Divergent Insights- Client- Honda
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