Shopper Journey in a Retail Environment - Divergent Insights

Shopper Journey in a Retail Environment

Business Situation

  1. A consumer durable giant in India wanted to understand the shopper journey in a retail environment in two categories, refrigerators and washing machines
  2. Besides gathering other information around the shoppers, the client wanted to validate the hypothesis that ‘evaluation parameters for products are different at the pre-stage and the during-stage i.e. before they enter the retail store and when they are at the retail store’

Finding Facts

  1. Wanted to understand consumers evaluation while at the retail environment
  2. Differences between pre-purchase and during purchase criteria
  3. Sources influencing the purchase criteria.

Solution Implemented

  1. Validation of client hypothesis.
  2. An in-depth understanding of shopper behavior at the shop floor – influencers, conversations, journey map at the store, parameters evaluated, salesperson interactions, etc.
  3. Need gaps & expectations from the retail journey.


  1. Client could develop an in-store strategy to get the consumers hooked to their products.
  2. They could understand the points to highlight during the actual purchase.

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