Evaluate the process of Receiving & Sending Money Overseas - Divergent Insights

Evaluate the process of Receiving & Sending Money Overseas

Business Situation

  1. Understand the reasons for undertaking the brands services and map customer expectations.
  2. Identify close competitors in the business landscape.

Finding Facts

  1. Reasons to prefer client brand over other means.
  2. Hierarchy (based on ease) of various options available for customers to transfer money.
  3. Triggers that support/boost customers to opt for visiting their retail to make transactions.
  4. Understand employee interacting with customers – their profile, needs and reasons for opting for brand.

Solution Suggested

  1. Pen portrait of individual needs that lead to select the client brand.
  2. Exhaustive list of reasons to consider money transfer over banks.


  1. Led to better customer understanding which lead to improvement in cross-selling.
  2. Device triggers that would beat close competitors.

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