Business Situation
The significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has increasingly encouraged the use of mobile phones with advanced features, user friendly and affordable price for consumers. This gives rise to quite tight competition in Indonesia market. It is important for producer to understand target market’s lifestyle and mobile phone positioning in their life.
Finding Facts
There are indications that mobile phones are now increasingly having a dominant function in life, especially among the productive age. It is not only technical aspects to support activities, but also emotional aspects to support performances. The widespread access to social media makes the function of the mobile phone closer to basic daily needs. The presence of a camera on a mobile phone supports the consumers’ existence on social media. Camera as one of the main features in mobile phones, is now increasingly varied and sophisticated and its function is as part of the data storage in the form of images.
- In this research, there are some important aspects to be explored:
- The definition of consumers’ daily lifestyle, their values and self-definition, and how they understand their values in terms of consumption, technology/smart products and needs related to mobile phones.
- The value and need for mobile phone product, identify the main scenarios of mobile phone usage and behavior, which parts are disappointing and not as expected
- The main decision making of mobile phone purchase, and understand the main decision in purchasing a mobile phone, and briefly understand the attitude towards different brands
Solution Suggested
Qualitative Research through In-Depth Interview among mobile phone users from productive age in Jakarta; represent two different segments: technology minded and fashion minded.
- The majority of respondents live with their nuclear families and work in the transportation sector, thus demanding high mobility. The role of mobile phones is very large in supporting their work. Both the Technology and Fashion segments, the majority are people who are active in their daily work or studies. Mobile Phone is a very important tool to support their activities.
- All respondents are decision makers regarding the brand and type of mobile phone used. However, the influence of people around and online promotion (reviews on social media) is one of the considerations.
- Technology segment is less demanding compared to Fashion segment in terms of feature. They really focus on technical aspects and product reliability; while the Fashion segment wants other aspects besides technical issues, such as the appearance of the mobile phone and the sophistication of camera features.